“Making It” is a documentary film that explores the daily struggles of making a living, staying creative, and making it all up as we go along. The film focuses primarily on Eric Fortune, Andrew Bawidamann, and Brian Ewing discussing education, their business model, and the future of Illustration, but ultimately asking, what does “Making It” mean to each artist?
The filmmakers goal was to make a film that had universal message. We all strive to create, to build, to make something. Exploring the ups and downs of a career was important to them. In the end, they wanted to have an honest conversation about the illustration community and its business practices.
This could have easily been a fluff piece about how cool or successful these artists are. But the truth is far more interesting and insightful. By getting an honest look into these artists’ lives, the filmmakers are hoping to help teach students or recent graduates about the struggles that lay ahead.
However, their goal was also to inspire. Yes, the path is going to be full of road blocks. But without actually following through and making something, one never knows what they could achieve.
“Making It” also features interviews with artists and industry giants such as: Adam Hughes, Becky Cloonan, Jon Foster, Greg Manchess, C.F. Payne, Olivia, Mark Brooks, Irene Gallo, Iain McCaig, William Stout, Sam Weber, Dave McKean, and Mike Mignola.